LZSA Introduction to Dental Research

Deep work

'Deep work' is the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. This book can help you focus your efforts and skills: Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport

Where to start? The research question

How to Read Dental Research

How to Analyze Data

How to Create Data Visualizations

How to Manage References

How to Write Dental Research

How to Check your paper

How to Increase your impact

Additional Skills

For potential data scientists: Learn the basics of Phyton (if your interest is in machine learning/AI) or R (if your interest is data analysis)

AI courses: Google - Microsoft

About the Author

Some tools I use frequently



This lecture is designed to provide dental students with practical knowledge for their research journey. It will guide them through the entire research process, from the initial generation of research ideas to maximizing research impact through open science.

We will discuss:

Finding research ideas

  • Where to look for research ideas, focusing on literature searches

  • Refining research ideas

  • Developing a research question

Tools for searching and planning research

  • Various tools and resources are available for conducting a thorough literature search, including databases, search engines, and AI

  • Developing a research plan

    • Ensuring alignment between the research question and study design

    • Developing a data collection plan

Data collection and management

  • Tools for data collection

  • Research data management

    • Data organization, documentation, and storage

  • Exploratory data analysis techniques

    • Data visualization and summary statistics

Increasing the impact of research through open science

  • How to increase the impact of dental research using open science principles

    • Pre-registration

    • Data sharing

    • Pre-prints

  • Benefits of open science for dental research

  • How to implement these practices in your research

Last updated