AI and Generative AI in Dental Education

Event: World Congress Dental Meeting - International Dental Federation (FDI) Location: Istanbul, September 2024



This presentation explored the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI in dental education. The discussion covered the differences between traditional AI and generative AI, such as large language models, and highlighted their respective applications. The presentation also addressed the ethical considerations, opportunities, and challenges AI poses in improving dental education, focusing on personalized learning, efficient content creation, and developing critical thinking skills. Guidelines for responsibly integrating AI tools in academic settings were provided, emphasizing transparency and maintaining academic integrity.

Slide Index:

  1. Introduction to AI in Dental Education

    • Overview of AI and generative AI

    • Why AI matters in modern dental education

  2. Traditional AI vs. Generative AI

    • Defining traditional AI (machine learning, deep learning, annotated data)

    • Generative AI (large language models, ChatGPT, RLHF)

  3. Applications of AI in Dental Education

  4. Ethical Considerations and Challenges

    • Addressing AI bias and data privacy concerns

    • Academic integrity: avoiding plagiarism and misuse

  5. Current Research and Findings

  6. Benefits of AI in Dental Education

    • Enhanced assessment methods

    • Improved student engagement and personalized feedback

  7. Limitations and Risks

    • Over-reliance on AI

    • Impact on clinical skill development

  8. Guidelines for Implementation

    • Ethical use of AI in education

    • Key recommendations for educators and institutions

  9. Prompting Techniques for Generative AI

    • How to structure prompts for AI tools in teaching

    • Encouraging critical thinking and active learning

  10. Future Perspectives

    • The evolving role of AI in shaping the future of dental education

    • Preparing dental educators and students for AI-driven innovation


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